Willis Library: Media Commons (260)

Space Designation: Social

This area is designated for casual use and lively group work. Expect busy spaces, conversations, and noise from electronic devices.

About this Space

The Media Library Commons area in Willis Library contains space for playing tabletop games and using gaming stations. There are 11 gaming console stations and 17 gaming PC stations in this area. This room may be reserved for one-time use by faculty for gaming, game design and instruction by contacting the Media Library. Individual reservations of the game stations can be made by students through the online reservation system.

  • Seats: 64 total
  • Technology: Dell Aurora VR-Capable gaming PCs, console stations including Wii, Wii U, PS2, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One

You can also browse the open stacks of films and games in the back of the room.

Willis 260

Willis 260

Additional Information

  1. The Media Library Commons is not booked for protracted periods of time or for regularly/frequently occurring events and it cannot be used as a regular classroom meeting space.
  2. No food or drink is permitted in the Media Commons.

Floor Guide

Third Floor

Public Spaces / Study Rooms

Selected Services (Not Comprehensive)

  • General Book Collection


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