The Portal to Texas History 2023 Research Fellowship Awardee
Sam W. Haynes
Project Title
Texas in Turmoil: Mapping Interethnic Violence, 1821-1879
Project Description
“Texas in Turmoil: Mapping Interethnic Violence, 1821-1879,” is a digital humanities project that seeks to map incidents of violence among the peoples of Texas over the course of more than a half a century, from the birth of the Mexican republic in the early 1820s to the end of Reconstruction and the so-called “Indian Wars.” When complete, it will have mapped approximately 3,000 sites of conflict, providing scholars and teachers with new ways to understand and visualize the interethnic struggles that represent such a conspicuous and protracted feature of the state’s early modern past.
Sam W. Haynes is a professor of History at the University of Texas at Arlington, where he also serves as director of the Center for Greater Southwestern Studies. He is the author of four books and several edited works that focus on the history of race, national identity, and power in nineteenth century Texas and the American Southwest. His most recent work, Unsettled Land: From Revolution to Republic, The Struggle for Texas, was published by Basic Books in 2022. As Center director, Haynes also oversees two digital humanities projects, “A Continent Divided: The U.S.-Mexico War,” and “Texas in Turmoil: Mapping Interethnic Violence, 1821-1879.”