Congratulations to Dr. Daniel Alemneh of UNT Libraries for being accepted as a Fulbright Scholar! Dr. Alemneh will be working to develop digital library structures and framework to support local universities and organizations in Ethiopia during his appointment in the 2019-2020 academic year.
In his position as Digital Curation Unit Supervisor, Alemneh has worked previously with Ethiopian university faculty to review curriculum for digital library development. Ethiopia has a rich history which has not been well recorded digitally due to limited technical resources and knowledge. Alemneh’s project will aim to bridge this gap and complement existing efforts by promoting and optimizing best practices to create and maintain sustainable digital libraries. These digital repositories will hold the many varied histories of the citizens of the country.
The U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) collaborates with the Institute of International Education’s Council for International Exchange of Scholars (IIE/CIES) to administer the Fulbright Program for U.S. faculty, administrators and professionals. Before his departure in the fall, Alemneh will attend a pre-departure program this summer organized to train scholars on safety, cultural differences, and how to use the resources available to them when they are abroad. Alemneh joins the list of over 35 Fulbright Scholars that have served as UNT representatives since
- Join us in congratulating Dr. Daniel Alemneh on this wonderful opportunity!