The UNT Libraries and the UNT Pride Alliance are excited to host a week’s worth of events celebrating queer zines and the people who make them.
Featuring workshops and web chats with zine makers, zine
librarians, and digital archivists preserving zines from around the
country, Queer Zine Week has something for everyone!
Monday, March 30, 6-7 p.m. Web chat with Kelly Shortandqueer of the Denver Zine Library (Eagle Commons Library, Sycamore Hall 119, and Online)
The Denver Zine Library opened in 2003 and houses over 10,000 different zines from all over the world. They are an all-volunteer run nonprofit organization. Kelly Shortandqueer, a co-founder of the DZL, has been publishing shortandqueer zine since 2004, incorporating his queer and transgender identities into his writing about lots of other subjects.
Tuesday, March 31, 3:30-5:30 p.m. Zine-Making Workshop with Spencer Keralis and Courtney Jacobs (UNT Pride Alliance, Sage Hall 328)
Spencer and Courtney are rare book enthusiasts who love to teach others how to make books! Learn pamphlet stitch, and make your own zine.
Wednesday, April 1, 5:30-9:00 p.m. QPOC Zine Forum with the Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance (UNT Willis Library, Forum 140) Cancelled
Thursday, April 2, 6-7 p.m. Web chat with Milo from the Queer Zine Archive Project (NEW LOCATION: Willis Library, Room 229, and Online)
Milo is one of the co-founders of QZAP, the Queer Zine Archive Project. Ze’s been making zines in some form or another since 1991, and has been facilitating QZAP for the past 10 years. QZAP started as a digital project and is currently housed in an apartment in Milwaukee. Comprising of 1200+ individual zines and pieces of ephemera, the collection covers 15 countries and has material in 12 different languages.
Friday, April 3, 2-3 p.m. Web chat with Jennifer Hecker of the Austin Fanzine Project (NEW LOCATION: Willis Library, Room 229, and Online)
The Austin Fanzine Project started as a digitization and transcription project intended to improve access to the documents of a recently-historical subculture – the Austin, Texas underground music scene of the 1990s. The project has blossomed into a sandbox for creative experimentation with digital archives and digital humanities methods and tools.
Click here to view registration information for all online events.
All events are free and open to the public. Visitors to campus, be sure get info on parking at UNT!