In his doctoral dissertation entitled: “image”/ “i” / “nation”: A Theory and Practice of Becoming an A/r/tographer,” Dr. Matthew Sutherlin played on the concept of the imagination and produced an arts-based dissertation to rethink assumptions of self. He argues that embracing technological models may produce students who are illiterate in the “proper” methods of communication. With rapid technological change, some fear traditions in their “original” form may be lost. Practices such as trying to recapture the artist’s intent should be abandoned as a way of opening up literacy discourse to multiple narratives. Failing to critically explore the possibilities of emerging models of thinking, teaching, and learning in a technological culture can produce a loss equal to the loss of tradition. Dr. Sutherlin’s research showed that through reflexive application the imagination is split-allowing connections and disconnections through practice. By engaging in its application the teacher and students became better able to formulate new ways of negotiating curricula, literacy practice, and artistic production.
Dr. Matthew Sutherlin is currently the Chair of Curriculum and Instruction at Henderson State University. Originally from El Dorado, Arkansas, Dr. Sutherlin obtained his Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Central Arkansas, Master of Fine Arts from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, and his Ph.D. in Art Education from the University of North Texas.
Dr. Sutherlin continues to investigate new media literacies, mashups and remix culture, game-based learning, maker education and design thinking. His most recent article on new media methods of assessment “(Un)Charted Cartographies: Mapping Networked Avatars” was published last year in the Journal of Social Theory in Art Education. Currently, Dr. Sutherlin is working on the development of an after-school program for students in Southwest Arkansas that deals with STE[A]M education. Students in this program will learn coding, 3D printing, and design thinking through game-based and maker methodologies.
We are pleased to present the 2015 UNT Innovative ETD award to Dr. Matthew Evans Sutherlin.