

The language(s) of the intellectual content of the resource.

Where Can the Language Information be Found?

Language is determined by reading/examining the item:

Item Types

Information Sources

For text

  • title page

  • text/content

For images

  • notes on bottom or back of a photograph

  • visible items (people, surroundings, objects, etc.)

  • captions

For maps

  • statement in a caption or legend

  • notes around the outside of the map

  • place/physical feature labels

For music scores

  • title page or header

  • table of contents

  • lyrics

For videos

  • label on disc

  • container cover

  • title screens or content

For sound files

  • information on disc/cassette

  • container information

  • content of audio (spoken/sung words)

For computer files

  • title page/screen

  • text of document (content)

How Language Works in the Metadata Form

Screenshot of language element in metadata editing system.

Language – drop-down menu


Yes - to include multiple language, click ‘Add’ to repeat the field


Yes - also see (more information) about required fields

How Should the Language be Filled in?



eng - English

  • Include all relevant languages

    • (do not include languages that are merely referenced or only appear as single words of text in another language)

spa - Spanish
ger - German
  • For visual images that do not have a textual caption or text within the image, choose “no language”

nol - No Language

  • If there are special circumstances or additional information about the language uses of the item, include it in the :doc: note <note> field of :doc: description <description> field, as appropriate

eng - English
spa - Spanish
Note: Book is printed in two sections, the first is Spanish and the second is the English translation
  • If the only text on the item consists of persons’ names, choose “no language” and the text can be described in the content description or a display note

nol - No Language
Note: The name “Bartimaeus” is carved into the top of the box.
  • If the language of the item is not on the controlled vocabulary list (or cannot be determined from available resources), choose “other” and include a display note in the record

  • Notify the metadata administrators if the language is not on the list

oth - Other
Note: Language is unknown.
Note: Text is in the Kutenai Indian language.

Other Examples:

French map

Language: fre - French

Laws of the Republic of Texas

Language: eng - English

Photograph of Berlin showing marquees and shop windows

Language: ger - German

Adding machine with a label saying, “Made in America”

Language: eng - English

Landscape photograph

Language: nol - No Language

Audio recording of testimony in Czech and German

Language: cze - Czech Language: ger - German

Video in Hebrew with English subtitles
  • Language: heb - Hebrew

  • Language: eng - English

  • Note: Performed in Hebrew with English subtitles.

Article in Amharic with English translations
  • Language: oth - Other

  • Language: eng - English

  • Note: In Amharic with English translations in parallel columns.

Proceedings and abstracts in English and Spanish
  • Language: eng - English

  • Language: spa - Spanish

  • Note: Papers presented in Spanish or English with abstracts in English.

Recording of a music recital sung in Italian and French
  • Language: fre - French

  • Language: ita - Italian


  • Preferred usage is to utilize a standard schema for language names as defined by ISO639-2:

    • Three letter language codes, followed optionally by a two-letter country code (taken from the ISO 3166 standard).

    • To simplify data entry, the system does not currently support the addition of a country code to the language code.

  • For less common languages that are not documented in the ISO standard, codes will come from Glottolog

    • Undocumented languages may be added to Glottolog according to their requirements.


More Guidelines: